We are going to be close until next weekend for a short holiday. Our shop will still be open and we will commence any systems...
9 comentários
smashngrab14 .
01 de out. de 2020
Is that for the godfather ultra xbox original iv been searching every where for a working wireless 1
01 de out. de 2020
Hi Hambi, on the Modfather Ultra, it's wireless xbox controllers or wired Ps2 and Xbox controllers. There is a hub you can purchase online though, it's a Homebrew one, that allows all wireless/Bluetooth controllers to work. It comes in 1-4 port sizes - I think the 4 port one works out as about £90/$100. Its quite pricey, but a number of group members have it already and love it.
Hambi Pappas
01 de out. de 2020
Do Bluetooth 8bitdo pads work on this?
smashngrab14 .
16 de mar. de 2020
paid for mine now its the agonizing wait for it to arrive
Immortal Tech
16 de mar. de 2020
Got one best thing I ever did every retro game is on there even the obscure ones luv it!
Is that for the godfather ultra xbox original iv been searching every where for a working wireless 1
Hi Hambi, on the Modfather Ultra, it's wireless xbox controllers or wired Ps2 and Xbox controllers. There is a hub you can purchase online though, it's a Homebrew one, that allows all wireless/Bluetooth controllers to work. It comes in 1-4 port sizes - I think the 4 port one works out as about £90/$100. Its quite pricey, but a number of group members have it already and love it.
Do Bluetooth 8bitdo pads work on this?
paid for mine now its the agonizing wait for it to arrive
Got one best thing I ever did every retro game is on there even the obscure ones luv it!